the early 20th century became known actress, and still known as the mistress of the English King Edward VII (son and heir of the legendary Queen Victoria). After many trips she was back to Jersey. Her grave is not far from the church where her father was preaching, near the center ST.Heliera (island capital).
Channel islands were the only parts of the United Kingdom by the Germans during World War II occupied.
In Jersey can be paid to the British money, but they have and the British and the island's ancient money, notes consistent regulations. In addition to notes and coins in the local post offices can buy (in the world popular) stamps. Jersey from 1696 enjoys postal independence and postal mail stamps issued independently of London.
They are creative with postal stamps have attracted a number of philatelist around the world. that stamps are very expensive. Posted existed on the island in the 15th century. 2002 years email has issued special stamps that marked the 150 anniversary of the first set of postal box with island road.